As promised: Tiramisu recipe.

(Lo prometido es deuda: la receta de Tiramisú.)

Tiramisu is another Italian culinary contribution to Argentinean cuisine. It should not come as a surprise that with the successive waves of Italian immigration during the XX century, Tiramisu has become such an appealing dessert in this country.

In my previous blog: The Son of the Bride and Tiramisu, I briefly discussed  this remarkable Argentinean film, in which we are given the clue that mascarpone cheese is the key component of Tiramisu. As promised, below you will find the delicious coffee flavour recipe of my auntie Celia, in both English and Spanish, for those who would like to practise their Spanish whilst cooking a yummy yummy dessert.

I will insist, as usual, that the more you are exposed to Spanish language in context, the sooner you will achieve fluency of this language.

Recipe – Tiramisu (English)


  • 250 g of Mascarpone
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons of caster sugar
  • 20 Soletillas biscuits aprox. (sponge lady finger biscuits)
  • 120 ml of strong espresso
  • 4 tablespoons Amaretto (or Brandy)
  • Cocoa powder


1 – Prepare a pot of strong, good quality coffee, and let it cool.

2 – Beat the egg yolks with the sugar.

3 – Fold the Mascarpone cheese slowly into the yolks and mix until smooth.

4 – Whip the egg whites until they are stiff and then carefully fold into the Mascarpone mix, so that the air from the egg whites is kept in the mix. 

5 – Mix the cold coffee with Amaretto (or Brandy).

6 – Begin to assemble the dessert in layers in a rectangular container. Quickly dip the biscuits in the coffee for the first layer and put them in the bowl. Alternate each layer of biscuits with the Mascarpone mixture.

7 – Finish with a covering of the Mascapone mixture and finally sprinkle cocoa powder on top.

8 – Place the Tiramisu in the fridge for at least three hours.

Recommendation: leave the Tiramisu overnight in the refrigerator as it gives more time to allow the biscuits to absorb the flavours of the ingredients.

Enjoy it!

Receta – Tiramisú (Español)


  • 250 gramos de Mascarpone
  • 3 huevos
  • 4 cucharadas de azúcar
  • 20 bizcochos Soletillas
  • 120 mililitros de café expreso
  • 4 cucharadas de Amaretto ( o Brandy)
  • Cacao en polvo


1 – Preparamos café bien fuerte, de calidad y lo dejamos enfriar.

2 – Batimos las yemas con el azúcar.

3 – Incorporamos el queso Mascarpone poco a poco a las yemas y las vamos mezclando hasta que quede homogénea.

4 – Batimos las claras a punto de nieve. Luego las mezclamos cuidadosamente con el mascarpone, de manera que el aire de las claras de huevo permanezca en la mezcla.

5 – Mezclamos el café frío con el Amaretto.

6 – Comenzamos a montar el postre en capas en el recipiente de forma rectangular. Mojamos rápidamente los bizcochos en el café para la primer capa y los colocamos en el recipiente. Alternamos una capa de bizcochos con una de la mezcla de Mascarpone.

7 – Finalmente cubrimos con una mezcla de Mascarpone y espolvoreamos cacao en polvo por encima.

8 – Colocamos el Tiramisú en la nevera al menos por dos horas.

Recomendación: dejar el Tiramisú  una noche antes de servirlo en la nevera ya que los bizcochos tendrán más tiempo para absorber los sabores de los ingredientes.


Please note:

In a previous blog: A Recipe for Almond Cake. Why is This Recipe so Special? we discussed the use of “se”, known as “impersonal”, when giving instructions, in that particular case for culinary purposes.

Now, in the case of the Tiramisu recipe, we can see that we conjugate the verbs in the first person plural, present of the indicative.

These are two different ways of giving instructions in Spanish.

Have you tried this recipe and would like to share your comment? Please do so below.

… …

This article is part of the series Recipes from the big screen / Recetas de películas:

Recipes from the big screen. See Spanish and Latin American Cuisine (Part1) – Recetas de películas

Recipes from the big screen. See Spanish and Latin American Cuisine (Part2) A Recipe for Almond Cake. Why is This Recipe so Special?; and

The Son of the Bride and Tiramisu.

About hoxton spanish tutor

Hi, my name is Adrian Sanchez. I am passionate about words and languages, particularly Spanish, the language I learned at my mother’s knee. I am curious about how languages change and evolve. I am a qualified Spanish Teacher (CLTA) and a journalist. I have taught in literacy campaigns in Latin America and given Spanish tuition in Spain and in the UK. I would like to share some of my thoughts on the Spanish language; and particularly on what I have learned from my students, who in many ways have become my teachers throughout the years. Spanish is a vast and beautiful language and I would like you to accompany me on a journey of discoveries. You can visit my blog here: Email: Thank you!

13 responses to “As promised: Tiramisu recipe.”

  1. Ace Worldwide News Group says :

    Reblogged this on ' Ace Foodie News ' and commented:
    Fantastic recipe our chef will love this thank you regards Ian


  2. Mercedes Simoncini says :

    I Like Tiramisu. Thanks. Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 10:22:50 +0000 from:


  3. Malctg - The Foureyed Poet. says :

    Hi hoxton spanish tutor Thank you for liking my poem Choking! Nice to hear from you the cake looks delicious. Peace and Best Wishes. The Foureyed Poet.


  4. Veronica says :

    Lindo, Adrián. Se me han activado las glándulas salivales de modo tal que los perros de Pavlov quedaron ‘así’ de chiquitos. Más que la receta quiero que alguien prepare el postre y me convide. 😉
    Besos desde el país.


  5. Leyla says :

    looks yummy 😀


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